Wed 26-June-2024

Israeli army raids villages in Negev demolishes dozens of homes

Tuesday 3-August-2010

NEGEV (PIC)– A large force of Israeli police raided Tuesday several villages in Negev south of Israel amid a demolition operation targeting dozens of homes in the villages.

Bulldozers belonging to Israel’s ministry of interior proceeded to take down homes in Qasr al-Sirr near Hawasheleh Abu Salb and the village of Rakhma.

The Israeli ministry of interior demolished the village of Araqib last week but residents with help from human rights organizations and volunteers rebuilt the destroyed houses.

During Tuesday’s demolition in Qasr al-Sirr Israeli policemen assaulted a physically disabled homeowner after an attempt by him to thwart the demolition operation on his home. He was ambulanced to the Soroka hospital for treatment after receiving serious wounds.

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