Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli army razes commercial facility road in W. Bank village

Thursday 22-December-2022

The Israeli occupation army demolished on Thursday a commercial facility and bulldozed a road in Deir Sharaf village in western Nablus.

Local official Ghassan Daghlas said that Israeli bulldozers escorted by Israeli forces demolished an auto bodywork shop and a 500-meter paved road in Deir Sharaf village at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

The Palestinians in the occupied territories have no choice but to build on their own lands without licenses because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in their numbers.

Under different pretexts the Israeli army bar Palestinian citizens in the occupied territories from building on their own land or using them in any way and makes it impossible for them to obtain construction licenses.

Since the Zionists occupied Palestine entire Palestinian communities families and individuals have been exposed to different practices of ethnic cleansing by the Israeli colonial regime including mass displacement campaigns denial of construction permits demolition of homes structures agricultural lands and infrastructure and attacks on civil society organizations that support vulnerable communities and strengthen their steadfastness.

It is widely known that the Israeli apartheid and colonial regime was established on the rubble of ethnically cleansed Palestinian villages and now it is trying to continue its ethnic cleansing policy by attempting to force Palestinian families and individuals to leave their homes communities and sources of livelihood in order to make space for the expansion of illegal Jewish settlements.

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