Sun 22-September-2024

Israeli army to raze homes annexes vast tracts of land in Nahalin

Thursday 27-August-2020

The Israeli occupation army on Wednesday delivered demolition orders against three Palestinian homes and stop-work orders against six others in Nahalin town west of Bethlehem.

According to Nahalin mayor Subhi Zaidan the Israeli army notified three local residents of its decision to demolish their homes and displace their families in the town.

Other two citizens from the town also received demolition notices against retaining walls belonging to them.

The Israeli army also delivered stop-work orders against six homes some of them under construction and threatened to block a road in the town.

In a separate incident the Israeli occupation authority annexed 525 dunums of Palestinian-owned lands in Nahalin town and registered them as property belonging to the Jewish national fund.

Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shlomo Neiman described the annexation step as a historic measure taken after 76 years adding that the lands would be used to expand Gush Etzion settlements.

Israeli courts allowed the registration of Palestinian-owned lands in Nahalin as Jewish property after they rejected all documents that had been filed by Palestinian locals proving their ownership of the annexed area.

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