Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli arrests in the West Bank will not weaken Hamas

Monday 16-January-2017

Fayez Abu Warda a Hamas leader said on Monday that the Israeli occupation authority is seeking with all possible means to weaken Hamas in the Palestinian political arena.

The wave of arrests in the ranks of Hamas Movement by Israeli occupation forces earlier Monday falls in line with the constant persecution that Hamas encounters in the West Bank he said adding that such practice sends a political message and constitutes a blatant intervention in the Palestinian internal affairs.

“Hamas Movement in the West Bank is strong and solid despite all the harsh blows it receives from the Israeli occupation forces and the Palestinian Authority” he told Quds Press.

For its part the presidency of the Palestinian Legislative Council considered the IOF arrest of the MP Ahmad Mubarak from Ramallah as a violation of his parliamentary immunity and an attempt to empty the West Bank of its deputies.

Ahmad Bahar the first deputy speaker of the PLC condemned the IOF raid on the house of MP Mubarak and his arrest.

“Kidnapping Ahmad Mubarak is a clear violation of his immunity as a parliament member and of international diplomatic conventions” Bahar told Quds Press adding that such a policy will reap nothing but failure.

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