Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli authorities confiscate 47 dunums of land near Jerusalem

Wednesday 24-October-2018

The Israeli authorities on Wednesday confiscated about 47 dunums of Palestinian-owned land in al-Ram town northeast of Occupied Jerusalem.

The Israeli authorities said this move is aimed at constructing a new road to expand a military checkpoint installed on the main road of the town.

Al-Ram’s mayor Raqi Ghazawneh said that this land confiscation is not the first of its kind explaining that the checkpoint was originally established on illegally seized Palestinian lands.

Ghazawneh added that a meeting was held on Tuesday with the owners of the lands which the Israeli authorities decided to confiscate and they agreed to file an objection against these arbitrary measures.

According to Ghazawneh nearly 400000 Palestinians who have Jerusalem IDs live in al-Ram and they suffer from harsh economic conditions because of the Apartheid Wall which isolated the town from the rest of Jerusalem.

Al-Ram covers an area of 6000 dunums. About 100 dunums have been confiscated for “military purposes” and a large area of the town was seized in favor of the construction of the Apartheid Wall.

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