Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli authorities demolish Palestinian house in Negev

Tuesday 3-January-2017

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Tuesday a Palestinian house in Bir Hadaj village in the Negev south of the 1948 occupied Palestine.

Sabah Abu Lqaima chairman of the local committee of the village said that a large force of the Israeli police raided the village and blockaded the area where the demolition took place.

The Quds Press news agency said quoting Abu Lqaima that the demolition of the house led to the displacement of a Palestinian family of seven members most of whom are children.

Abu Lqaima pointed out that the Israeli authorities have demolished the family’s house earlier and the house that was knocked down today was made up of tents erected on the ruins of the former house.

The Palestinian activist added that the Israeli authorities claim that the house was built on a land belonging to the Israel Land Administration and without getting the required licenses.

Denying the Israeli narrative Abu Lqaima affirmed that the land was originally owned by an Arab tribe before it was seized by the Israeli authorities by force.

The Israeli authorities conduct regular house demolitions and restrictive measures against the Arabs of the Negev as a part of a systematic and deliberate policy to uproot the families from their towns displace them and seize their lands to establish Jewish-only towns and farms in addition to military bases.

Bir Hadaj a Palestinian Bedouin village located in the southern Negev Desert is among 51 Arab villages in the Negev that the Israeli authorities refuse to recognize and target by demolition and displacement.

Around 250 thousand Palestinians are living in the Negev half of whom are living in villages that were built hundreds of years ago. However the Israeli authorities do not recognize their ownership of these villages and refuse to provide them with the basic services such as water electricity and other infrastructure.

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