Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian structures in Ni’lin

Tuesday 25-April-2017

Israeli bulldozers at daybreak Tuesday knocked down Palestinian commercial structures and leveled Palestinian lands west of Ramallah province.

Israeli army troops showed up at the scene all the way through the demolition process which targeted commercial barracks near the Ni’lin military checkpoint west of Ramallah.

The Israeli bulldozers further leveled Palestinian land lots used by the locals for parking cars on way to their workplaces in 1948 occupied territories (Green Line).

Ni’lin checkpoint is the main passageway for thousands of Palestinians working in 1948 occupied territories.

The demolitions are frequently carried out in the area under the pretext that the targeted structures pose a threat to the nearby Israeli military watchtowers or settlement outposts.

Last year at least 18 Palestinian commercial structures and fiberglass factories along with garages were razed by the Israeli occupation authorities in Ni’lin on account of their proximity to an Israeli military watchtower and to Kiryat Sefer settlement outpost built on Palestinian land lots in the area.

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