Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli bulldozers level Palestinian lands in Deir Estia

Tuesday 21-February-2017

Mayor of Deir Estia town in Salfit said on Tuesday that Israeli bulldozers from Yakir settlement leveled for the third day in a row large areas of Palestinian lands in Wadi Qana area. Leveling works aimed at expanding Yakir outpost through the construction of 200 new housing units.

For his part researcher Khaled Ma’ali pointed out that Yakir settlement which is inhabited by religious Jews was expanded last year. Amana extremist settlement movement has been exerting efforts to increase its population he highlighted.

Yakir settlement was established in 1981 as a military training camp. The Israeli occupation authorities however turned it later on into a settlement and kept the camp within the outpost Ma’ali said.

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