Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli court bans family visits to Sheikh Abul Haija for five years running

Tuesday 18-March-2008

JENIN (PIC)– The Israeli military court has turned down a request by detainee Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija one of the Hamas leaders in the West Bank to allow him family visits after being denied that right for five years.

The wife Asmaa Abul Haija said after the ruling was passed on Monday that her husband had filed a complaint against the Israeli prisons authority (IPA).

She noted that the court refused to allow her husband to speak during the hearing to respond to the prosecution and intelligence’s allegations which demanded that the ban on his wife and his daughter Banan a lawyer and other adult sons be continued since they were all ex-detainees and the Sheikh still posed “dangers” to the Zionist security despite being behind bars!

Asmaa said that the intelligence representative also demanded continued isolation of the Sheikh who has been in solitary confinement ever since his detention in June 2003.

The intelligence representative in court claimed that Sheikh Abul Haija was still practicing “hostile activity” against Zionist security she said adding that the court refused to listen to the defense lawyer and to her husband’s requests.

The court only allowed his children under 16 years old to visit him the wife said noting that her two children Sajed and Hamza recently tried to visit their father but were also banned from seeing him.

She appealed to international institutions and human rights groups to pressure the IPA to halt its “arbitrary” measures against her husband who is serving a life sentence along with 20 years and who suffers real difficulties in isolation since one of his hands was amputated after IOF soldiers fired at him during his arrest.

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