Fri 4-October-2024

Israeli court rejects petition to release hunger striking prisoner

Monday 15-August-2022

The Israel military court on Monday rejected the petition submitted by Palestinian prisoner Khalil Al-Awawdeh’s lawyer that demanded his release after his health condition severely deteriorated.

Spokesperson of the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority Hassan Abd Rabbo told WAFA news agency that prisoner Awawdeh’s health worsens day by day as he lost half of his weight and couldn’t recognize his wife when she visited him. He added that Awawdeh suffers from joint pain headache and poor eyesight and uses a wheelchair to move.

For his part the head of the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Qadri Abu Bakr held the Israeli prison administration responsible for the life of Awawdeh who continues his hunger strike for the 156th day in a row in protest at his administrative detention.

“Despite the deteriorating health of prisoner Awawdeh due to his continued hunger strike Israel decided to dismiss the petition submitted to release him” Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS).

The Asra Media Office labeled the Israeli decision as a “death sentence” calling for working towards releasing Awawdeh immediately.

On the 21st of June Awawdeh suspended his hunger strike after 111 days in the light of the Israeli court’s promises to release him the PPS recalled.

The PPS had announced that after two days of Awawdeh’s hunger strike suspension the IOA issued an administrative detention order against him for four months which had violated the promises given to him earlier.

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