Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli gov’t permits settlers to seize thousands of W. Bank land

Thursday 29-July-2021

The Israeli occupation government has given permits to Jewish settlers to take over thousands of dunums of Palestinian agricultural land around six illegal outposts in the West Bank.

According to a report published on Thursday by Haaretz website the Israeli agriculture ministry has allocated more than 8500 dunums (about 2100 acres) of land to be used for farming and grazing purposes by six illegal outposts in the West Bank.

Haaretz said that this came in a response the activist group Peace Now obtained from the agriculture ministry recently after it asked for clarifications about the funding of Jewish settler groups that guard these outposts and volunteer there.

In its response the ministry also admitted that it funds three settler groups that provide volunteers for farm work in the outposts.

These groups received a total of 3.8 million shekels ($1.17 million) in 2020 and 3.6 million shekels in 2019 from the ministry for activities at the six outposts according to the ministry.

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