Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli gunboats open fire at Gaza fishermen

Thursday 13-February-2020

The Israeli occupation navy on Thursday morning attacked Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of the besieged Gaza Strip.

According to local sources Israeli gunboats opened machinegun fire at fishing boats in Gaza northern waters forcing them to return ashore.

Luckily no one was hurt in the shooting attack.

About 351 violations against Gaza fishermen were reported by different human rights groups during 2019.

Israeli naval forces and their gunboats are around Gaza fishermen almost every day harassing them shooting at them damaging their boats and making arrests. Sometimes fishermen are injured or killed during gunfire attacks.

Under the 1993 Oslo accords Palestinian fishermen are permitted to fish up to 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza but since then Israel has kept reducing the fishing area gradually to a limit between six to three nautical miles as part of its blockade on Gaza.

Fishermen and human rights groups also say that since the 2008-09 war in Gaza the Israeli army has been regularly enforcing a limit even closer to the shore.

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Israeli gunboats open fire at Gaza fishermen

Sunday 16-September-2018

Israeli gunboats on Sunday morning opened fire at Palestinian fishermen sailing off northern Gaza shore.

Local sources said that Israeli gunboats unleashed heavy barrages of machinegun fire on Gaza fishermen but no injuries were reported.

Israeli navy targets Gaza fishermen almost on a daily basis in a blatant violation of a ceasefire agreement struck between the Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance groups following the 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip.

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Israeli gunboats open fire at Gaza fishermen

Sunday 5-August-2018

Israeli navy ships on Sunday morning opened machinegun fire on Palestinian fishermen off Gaza’s northern seashore.

Eye-witnesses said Israeli gunboats unleashed heavy barrages of machinegun fire on Gaza fishermen forcing them to go ashore for fear of being killed in the assault.

Israeli navy targets Gaza fishermen almost on a daily basis in a blatant breach of a ceasefire agreement struck between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian resistance groups in august 2014 following 51 days of bloody Israeli aggressions on the besieged Gaza Strip which claimed the lives of over 2.200 Palestinians among them children.

Under the 1993 Oslo accords Palestinian fishermen are permitted to fish up to 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza but since then Israel has kept reducing the fishing area gradually to a limit of three nautical miles as part of its blockade on Gaza.

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Israeli gunboats open fire at Gaza fishermen

Tuesday 18-March-2014

GAZA (PIC)– Israeli naval forces on Monday evening opened fire at Palestinian fishermen’s boats off the shores of the Gaza Strip. No casualties were reported.

Palestinian sources said that the Israeli gunboats stationed in the Gaza Sea opened fire toward the fishing boats and forced the fishermen to return to the beach.

The Israeli forces have also targeted the civilian houses near the beaches.

These attacks are to be added to the series of ongoing Israeli breaches of the truce agreement signed on the 21st of November 2012 between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation under Egyptian auspices.

Since then 25 Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire while dozens of others were wounded or arrested. The Israeli occupation forces have also detained and injured nearly 70 fishermen and the bombed and confiscated a number of fishing boats in the same period.

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