Mon 1-July-2024

Israeli intelligence summons two Palestinian journalists in Ramallah

Monday 1-November-2021

The Israeli intelligence agency Shin Bet on Sunday summoned two Palestinian journalists for interrogation in the Ofer military base west of Ramallah.

According to local sources journalist Bushra at-Taweel a resident of Bireh received a summons ordering her to go to the Ofer base on Monday for questioning.

Taweel was released from the Damon jail 25 days ago after spending 11 months in administrative detention with no trial or indictment.

The Shin Bet also summoned on the same day journalist Alaa al-Rimawi resident of Ramallah.

He had been kidnaped by the Israeli occupation forces from his home in Ramallah a few months ago and jailed administratively for one and a half months.

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