Sun 6-October-2024

Israeli municipality in J’lem names Silwan streets after rabbis

Thursday 20-June-2019

The Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem has decided to name some streets in the predominantly Arab Silwan neighborhood after Jewish rabbis.

According to Haaretz newspaper the move was against the recommendation of a professional panel who said “It is inappropriate to give Jewish street names in neighborhoods overwhelmingly populated by Arabs.”

The naming committee in the municipality headed by Mayor Moshe Leon named five alleyways and narrow streets in the Baten Al-Hawa neighborhood of Silwan.

The neighborhood which is currently the home of 12 Jewish families and hundreds of Palestinian families is targeted by extremist settler groups including Ateret Cohanim.

Settlers claim there was a small Jewish-Yemenite community in the neighborhood 80 years ago. The newly-approved street names are “Ezrat Nidhim” after the charitable organization founded by Yisroel Dov Frumkin in the late 19th century which established the Yemenite community.

The other streets are named after Yemenite rabbis. The decision was taken by a majority of eight to two.

The committee made the decision despite the opinion of a professional panel who warned that the move will “create unnecessary tension. The names will not be used by residents and will therefore be futile.” The committee recommended neutral street names which will benefit all residents.

The two committee members opposing the decision are city coalition members Laura Wharton and Yossi Havilio. Havilio said he firmly opposes as the move adding that it provokes Arab residents and will inflame the atmosphere in the neighborhood.

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