Tue 17-September-2024

Israeli occupation threatens demolition of 3 Palestinian homes

Tuesday 27-November-2018

The Israeli occupation forces on Monday distributed demolition notices targeting three Palestinian houses and a shed in al-Khalidiya area southeast of Yatta town in the southern occupied West Bank province of al-Khalil.

Israeli forces handed over demolition notifications to three Palestinian brothers from Rabee family threatening to knock down their three homes and a shed used as a livestock barn Mahmoud Rabee told the PIC.

Rabee said the targeted structures were built on privately-owned Palestinian land.

The family denounced the measure which they said aims at taking over the land for the benefit of illegal settlement expansion calling on the locals to remain steadfast in the face of Israel’s land grab schemes.

“We will not leave our lands no matter the cost” the brothers said. “Our land is worth our blood and souls.”

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