Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police attack Issawiya homes with tear gas

Tuesday 24-December-2019

Israeli police forces on Monday stormed Issawiyadistrict east of Occupied Jerusalem and showered Palestinian homes with ahail of tear gas canisters.

According to eyewitnesses Israeli police patrolsstormed the neighborhoods of Al Dari and al-Madares in Issawiya and chased somelocal youths before spreading through the streets and randomly firing volleysof tear gas grenades on homes.

For many months Israeli police forces have beenraiding the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya on a daily basisransacking homes and arresting and assaulting Palestinians.

The Israeli campaign against Issawiya is aimed atoppressing and making life miserable for all who live there as part of effortsto push the native residents out of the holy city.

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