Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police bar Palestinians from renewing cemetery in Galilee

Saturday 22-October-2016

The Israeli occupation police on Friday prevented Palestinian volunteers from carrying out restoration work at the cemetery of Ramiya village in the Galilee.

Local sources reported that a team of volunteers were embarking on renewing the graves when policemen showed up and ordered them to stop and leave.

They added that the police force arrested one of the participants in the voluntary work.

Ramiya was home to a population of 1000 with its territory stretching 98 acres but today about 150 persons remain on land stretching only 10 acres.

The rest was appropriated during the biggest Israeli land grab in 1976. Even the area on which 45 families remain to this day is classified as Jewish National Fund property.

The village is not recognized and still without connection to any electricity or water grids.

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