Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police forces break into Umm al-Hiran

Sunday 29-January-2017

Israeli police forces broke into the unrecognized Palestinian village in the Negev Umm al-Hiran on Sunday and besieged newly erected caravans in a prelude to confiscating them.

According to 48 Arabs website Raed Abu al-Qiaan chairman of the local committee in Umm al-Hiran said that Israeli police forces cordoned two caravans and attempted to confiscate them.

Abu al-Qiaan said “The Israeli authorities’ vicious and inhumane attacks on Umm al-Hiran are still ongoing and we call on everyone to immediately gather in the village.”

He added that despite the fact that grief still hangs over the village the Israeli police forces came to demolish the caravans which were brought to shelter children women and elders from the cold weather.

President of the Arab Lawyers Union Association in the Negev notary and lawyer Sulaiman al-Ibra said that his association decided to go to the court to obtain a restraining order against confiscation and demolition of the two caravans.

Hundreds of Palestinian families in Umm al-Hiran are living a real disaster due to the Israeli house demolitions which led the Higher Committee of Arabs in the Negev to call for rebuilding the destroyed houses and ask people who want to participate in the reconstruction to communicate and coordinate with the local committee in the village.

Sources in the village reported that mobile homes were brought to the village on Saturday evening within a campaign initiated in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories to enhance the resilience of the people of Umm al-Hiran in the face of the Israeli actions attempting to uproot them from their lands.

The first donated mobile home as well as emergency aid food parcels and blankets were brought to the village from ‘Ara town in the 1948 occupied Palestine.

The popular committees of the Palestinian towns in the 1948 occupied territories announced providing three mobile homes to shelter the families of Umm al-Hiran who have been living in tents since the demolition of 12 houses and 8 agricultural facilities in a savage Israeli process that also led to the murder of Yaqoub Abu al-Qiaan by Israeli policemen.

These donations came in response to the distress call of the local committee of Umm al-Hiran to start rebuilding the demolished houses. The First caravan coming from ‘Ara was delivered on Friday. Two other caravans donated by the people of Ar’ara and Abillin towns will follow.

People of Umm al-Hiran village in the Negev are facing the freezing weather with tents that could barely protect them after the Israeli forces demolished their houses and left them homeless.

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