Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli police quell Sheikh Jarrah solidarity sit-in

Saturday 31-July-2021

The Israeli occupation police on Saturday evening suppressed a peaceful sit-in staged in solidarity with Jerusalemite families threatened with eviction from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

According to local sources a large number of police forces gathered at the entrances to the neighborhood prevented local residents from participating in the sit-in and assaulted a number of young men journalists and activists.

The police also used a skunk water truck to attack the participants in the sit-in as well as journalists.

In recent months the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood has seen a series of sit-ins staged by Palestinian citizens and foreign activists to protest against Israeli intents to displace hundreds of local residents from their homes to make way for Jewish settlers.

Israeli police also prevent Palestinian and foreign activists showing solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah families from entering the neighborhood.

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