Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli police release Jerusalemite banish him from Bab al-Amud

Sunday 20-June-2021

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday morning released a Jerusalemite young man after deciding to ban his presence in Bab al-Amud plaza in the Old City of Jerusalem for several days.

According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center 20-year-old Saleh an-Natsha was released on condition of staying away from Bab al-Amud and the streets around it for 10 days and paying a financial penalty.

The police also ordered Natsha to come back again tomorrow Monday for another questioning session.

Natsha was rounded up on Saturday when police forces attacked Jerusalemite youths in Bab al-Amud as they were rallying peacefully in protest at settlers’ recent verbal attacks against Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

During his detention Natsha suffered injuries and bruises as police officers savagely beat him and sprayed pepper gas in his face.

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