Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villages in Nablus

Wednesday 25-September-2013

NABLUS (PIC)– Israeli settlers stormed at late hour yesterday Urif village southeast of Nablus in the northern West Bank and attacked the residents.

Local sources confirmed that sellers’ groups from Yitzhar settlement occupied two Palestinian houses in the village under Israeli forces’ protection which resulted in the eruption of violent clashes.

The occupation forces also stormed the village of Kafr Qalil southeast of Nablus at dawn on Wednesday. No arrests were reported.

On the other hand the IOF has placed a temporary checkpoint at the entrance to Bayta village south of Nablus and searched the vehicles passing to and from the town.

Meanwhile a new settlement neighborhood has been established on Wednesday in Har Bracha settlement built on Burin village near Nablus in the northern West Bank Hebrew media sources revealed.

Hundreds of settlers have attended the opening of the new neighborhood which is built specifically for new couples.

MK Moti Aagoff from Jewish Home party has attended the opening where he claimed that there will be no Arab state between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea promising to escalate settlement construction.

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