Sat 5-October-2024

Israeli settlers seize Palestinian lands in Jordan Valley

Tuesday 30-July-2019

Israeli settlers on Monday took over privately-owned Palestinian lands in the northern Jordan Valley.

Activist Mu’taz Bsharat said that Israeli settlers seized about 100-dunum Palestinian lands near Hamdat settlement in the northern Jordan Valley and started razing them.

Bsharat affirmed that the Palestinian owners of the stolen lands have official documents proving their ownership.

He added that Israeli settlers backed by their government have recently seized large tracts of Palestinian lands in the Jordan Valley in an attempt to push the Palestinians to leave the area.

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Israeli settlers seize Palestinian lands in Jordan Valley

Thursday 18-July-2019

Israeli settlers have installed a number of mobile homes on Palestinian-owned lands in the northern Jordan Valley.

Human rights activist Aref Daraghmeh said Israeli settlers have set up mobile homes on privately-owned Palestinian lands in Wadi al-Maleh al-Suwaida and Khillet Hamad areas in the northern Jordan Valley.

Daraghmeh pointed out that more structures are set to be brought to those areas in the coming days.

He added that the Israeli settlers visited the Jordan Valley last week conducted a survey of the targeted areas and planted trees around them.

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Israeli settlers seize Palestinian lands in Jordan Valley

Friday 21-October-2016

Israeli settler gangs grabbed hold of hundreds of dunums of Palestinian lands in the northern Jordan Valley.

Activist Motaz Besharat who is in charge of the northern Jordan Valley file said Israeli settlers seized over 300 dunums of Palestinian lands in al-Hima and set the foundations for new illegal settlement units and water pipes.

Activists warned of an upsurge in Israeli settlement schemes in the region over the past few years as part of an Israeli plan of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians.

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