Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli settlers start construction of new outpost in Halhul

Tuesday 30-June-2020

A group of Israeli settlers on Tuesday embarked on building a new outpost on Palestinian land on Mount Jomjoma in Halhul City in the West Bank district of al-Khalil.

Local sources said that a large number of Israeli settlers escorted by armed soldiers stormed Mount Jomjoma and started the construction of a new outpost.

The Israeli occupation army had established a military site on the top of the mountain which is 1000 meters above the sea level and overlooks most of the towns and villages of al-Khalil.

Last year Israeli occupation authorities issued a military order to seize 401 dunums of Palestinian land in al-Arroub refugee camp Beit Ummar town and Halhul City to build a new settler road adjacent to the targeted mountain.

There are over 50 Israeli settlements and random outposts scattered across al-Khalil district and inhabited by nearly 30000 settlers who are gradually tightening their grip on the area.

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