Fri 6-September-2024

Israeli special force arrests Palestinian ex-prisoner in Jenin

Thursday 11-August-2022

An Israeli special force on Thursday arrested the Palestinian ex-prisoner Abdul Salam Abul-Heija from his workplace in the Jenin refugee camp.

Abul-Heija’s sister Banan told the PIC that Abdul Salam was arrested at gunpoint while at work near the Al Razi Hospital in Jenin.

Banan underlined that she contacted HaMoked an Israeli human rights organization defending Palestinians living under occupation to find out about the detention center where Abdul Salam is being held. She received no response but was told that she will be informed about the place in the coming 24 hours.

“Abdul Salam is an ex-prisoner who had spent seven years and a half in the Israeli prisons since he was 18 years old” Banan pointed out adding that he was detained more than once and spent 12 years in Israeli jails.

38- year-old Abul-Heija a father of three children had been held in the Palestinian Authority prisons more than once Banan revealed.

Abul-Heija’s father Jamal has been detained in Israeli jails since 2002 while his brother Asem has been held in administrative detention since April 2022. Furthermore his mother Asma was held in administrative detention in 2003 and his brother Hamza was martyred in 2014 during clashes with Israeli occupation forces in Jenin refugee camp.

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