Fri 20-September-2024

Jerusalem committee in the PLC urges intensified pro-Aqsa media campaign

Monday 19-March-2007

GAZA (PIC)– The Jerusalem committee in the PA legislature has called for intensifying Palestinian Arab and Muslim media campaigns to help save the Aqsa Mosque and confront Israel’s attempts to judaize the occupied city of Jerusalem.

The committee held a session in Gaza and Ramallah cities via video conference during which it tackled a number of crucial issues including the secret selling of Palestinian real estate in the city the apartheid separation wall and the IOA diggings at the Aqsa Mosque among other crucial issues a statement issued by the committee confirmed.

Members of the committee also listened to MP Ahmed Abu Halabeyya the committee’s secretary reporting on his visit to a number of Arab countries including Jordan Egypt Syria and Lebanon.

According to the report the visit of Abu Halabeyya to those countries was fruitful as far as unmasking Israel’s malicious schemes against the Aqsa Mosque and the occupied city were concerned.

In addition the committee discussed the IOA relentless attempt to corrupt Palestinian Jerusalemites by making Palestinian youths and ladies drug addicts in order to mislead and divert them from their fateful national issues.

“The separation wall had isolated the occupied city of Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank cities” the statement explained.

In conclusion the committee highlighted the importance of joining Palestinian Arab and Muslim efforts in defending Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque in order to preserve their Arab and Muslim identity.

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