Sun 22-September-2024

Jerusalemite family refuses to raze its own house in Jabel Mukaber

Saturday 22-August-2020

The family of Abdu who lives in Jabel al-Mukaber neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem said it would not comply with an Israeli decision ordering it demolish its own house.

“The demolition of homes is a crime we cannot commit against ourselves. If the occupation insists on that it may do it itself and expose itself before the whole world” the family said in a statement.

“The occupation decided to demolish the house in March and we had known nothing at all about this until we were surprised by a demolition order being affixed to the house’s door in July stating that the house must be destroyed within 21 days” the family explained.

“At any moment the occupation can demolish the house and our children live in constant fear of the moment when the demolition is carried out. Our life is very difficult and the situation is very tragic” the family said.

“Where will we live if our house is demolished while the coronavirus epidemic is still there. Can the world stop these crimes against the residents of Jerusalem” a girl child from the family said.

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