Mon 16-September-2024

Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house

Sunday 24-June-2018

Israeli municipality in occupied Jerusalem forced on Sunday a Palestinian man to demolish his own house in Silwan town to the south of al-Aqsa Mosque.

The property’s owner Asad Shweibki said that the municipal authorities forced him to demolish his own house for allegedly being built without permit. Otherwise the municipality would carry out the demolition and force him to pay the costs which typically are extremely high.

Silwan is one of many Palestinian towns in occupied Jerusalem that has seen an influx of Israeli settlers at the cost of home demolitions and the eviction of Palestinian families.

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Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house

Thursday 1-March-2018

Israeli municipality in occupied Jerusalem last night forced a Palestinian man to demolish his own house in Issawiya town northeast of occupied Jerusalem.

The property’s owner Khalil Ali said that the municipal authorities forced him to demolish his house for allegedly being built without permit.

The 250-square-meter building was about to be finished with a cost of $ 100000 he added.

However the municipal authorities issued yesterday a self-demolition order against the property and threatened to charge the owner for the demolition.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center based in occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan reported that 116 Jerusalemite facilities were demolished in 2017. Nearly 241 residents became homeless as a result.

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Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house

Saturday 3-December-2016

The Israeli occupation authorities forced Saturday morning a Jerusalemite citizen to demolish his own house under the pretext of being built without permit.

The citizen Said Abbasi was forced early today to demolish his house in Silwan town south of al-Aqsa Mosque local sources affirmed.

Jerusalemites are forced to demolish their threatened houses by their own hands to avoid paying the Israeli demolition fees.

There has been an upsurge in demolitions of Palestinian property across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem as the number of structures demolished in the first half of 2016 exceeded the total number of demolitions in the entire previous year 2015 said the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the occupied Territories (B’Tselem).

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Jerusalemite forced to demolish his house

Wednesday 28-September-2016

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– A Jerusalemite citizen was forced Wednesday morning to demolish his own house in Beit Hanina north of occupied Jerusalem.

The Jerusalemite Imad Jaber was forced to demolish his 70-meter-square house under the pretext of being built without permit.

“I demolished it with my own hands to avoid paying over NIS 70000 ($18000) in demolition fees if Israeli bulldozers demolished it” he said.

This came few days after a spate of demolitions of Palestinian properties by Israeli forces across the occupied city.

Since the beginning of the year 175 Palestinian facilities were demolished by Israeli forces in the holy city.

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