Thu 19-September-2024

Jewish settlers attack Palestinians steal olive harvest

Tuesday 18-October-2022

Jewish settlers protected by Israeli occupation forces attacked Palestinian farmers and stole their harvest in the center of the West Bank city of al-Khalil on Tuesday.

WAFA news agency reported that Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian farmers and foreign activists who participated in an olive picking campaign launched by the local activist group Youth against Settlements in the Tal al-Rumaida neighborhood in the center of al-Khalil.

In a related development dozens of settlers under tight protection of Israeli police proceeded to steal the olive harvest of Palestinian citizens after storming the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.

Moreover settlers attacked Palestinian farmers while they were picking their olives forcing them to leave their lands northeast of Qaffin town north of the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

According to local sources a group of Jewish settlers beat Palestinian farmers in the Wad Salim area northeast of Qaffin. The Palestinian farmer Usama Amarneh suffered several bruises all over his body as a result of the attack.

Jewish settlers have been escalating their attacks against Palestinian farmers across the occupied West Bank since the beginning of the olive harvest season stealing the harvest and preventing the farmers from watering their trees or picking their olives.

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