Fri 20-September-2024

Jewish settlers launch large-scale attacks in W. Bank and J’lem

Tuesday 22-December-2020

Hordes of extremist Jewish settlers on Monday evening escalated their attacks under military and police protection against Palestinian citizens and their property in different areas of the occupied Palestinian territories.

According to local sources a gang of settlers attacked homes on the outskirts of Beitin village east of Ramallah but local residents confronted them and fend them off.

Another group of settlers also attacked homes and cars in Burqa village in Ramallah province. No information if citizens were injured or homes sustained damage during the attack.

Meanwhile settlers attacked Palestinian homes in al-Mughayyir village in northern Ramallah and other homes in the nearby village of Kafr Malik as well as cars traveling on the Ramallah-Nablus road.

In al-Khalil a child and a young man suffered injuries when settlers from the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba hurled stones at Palestinian cars in the east of the city.

The wounded citizens were identified as 13-year-old Mahmoud Ayatullah and 33-year-old Mohamed Ziyad and both of them are from Idhna town in al-Khalil.

In Bethlehem Palestinian cars traveling on a road near Janata town were also exposed to a stone-throwing attack by settlers.

Eyewitnesses said that a large number of settlers from the illegal settlement of Tko’a blocked under military escort the road connecting the south of the West Bank with its north and embarked on showering passing cars with stones.

There was no information available about casualties in the stone-throwing attack.

Another group of settlers were seen at a road junction near the Gush Etzion settlement bloc seemingly to launch attacks against Palestinians.

In Nablus Palestinian citizens from Huwara town in southern Nablus repelled an attack on their homes and property by a horde of settlers and later clashed with Israeli soldiers who provided protection for the settlers.

A Palestinian citizen called Sadeq Khatatba from Beit Furik town in Nablus reportedly suffered injuries when settlers savagely beat him and threw stones at him near Deir Sharaf village. He received medical assistance in Rafidia Hospital.

The Israeli occupation army also closed Za’atara checkpoint in southern Nablus and allowed scores of settlers to spread around.

Meanwhile Palestinian cars were attacked by settlers with stones and many of them sustained damage as they were traveling on the road between the towns of Taybeh and Duma in Nablus.

A citizen reported that the Jewish assailants hurled rocks at the cars with the intention of killing passengers aboard them affirming that he miraculously survived a vicious stone-throwing attack on his car.

In Jenin a similar settler attack happened near the military checkpoint of Dotan in the southwest of the province.

Eyewitnesses said that settlers escorted by soldiers threw stones and empty bottles at passing cars near the Dotan checkpoint obstructed traffic and detained and brutalized a number of Palestinian young men.

In east Jerusalem several settlers attacked homes and cars in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood north of the Old City.

Eyewitnesses said that dozens of settlers stormed the neighborhood and hurled stones at homes and cars and assaulted citizens.

Different attacks by settlers also took place in other areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

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