Thu 19-September-2024

Jordanian banks refuse to break siege on Palestinian people

Thursday 16-November-2006

Amman – Jordanian banks have decided to maintain the unjust US-led economic blockade imposed on the Palestinian people and refused to implement a decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo Sunday to break the nine-month-old siege.

The German news agency quoted Jordanian banking sources as affirming that they will not heed the Arab decision of lifting the financial sanctions and that they “couldn’t implement the decision without cooperating with the concerned parties such as the Quartet Committee that groups the USA EU UN and Russia”.

“If we break the siege we believe that Israel will most likely revenge and take harsh measures against us as it did in the past” the Jordanian sources were quoted as saying.

Eight Jordanian banks are currently working in the PA-run lands through 51 branches they have in the area that according to reports accumulated a lot of profits from Palestinian money deposited there in the past years.

But the banks’ decision according to local observers wasn’t the only “bad gift” given to the Palestinian people as Jordan’s ambassador in Tel Aviv met Israel’s transportation minister Shaul Mofaz and discussed with him ways and means to strengthen diplomatic ties of their two governments.

The meeting took place just hours after Arab ministers came up with their decision to break the repressive embargo in retaliation to the IOF troops’ bloodbath in Beit Hanun city.

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