Thu 19-September-2024

Kamal Khatib: Israeli Judaization schemes escalated

Monday 17-October-2016

Head of the public freedoms committee in 1948 occupied Palestine Kamal Khatib revealedthat Israel has escalated its provocative attacks against al-Aqsa Mosquefollowing UNESCO’s recent decision which denied Jewish ties to the holy site.

Khatib warned that the Israeli occupation authorities would takeadvantage of UNESCO’s decision to step up Judaization schemes.

He considered UNESCO’s decision as “a step in the rightdirection.”

He also pointed out that Israeli authorities declared waragainst the UN agency and would try to carry out revenge against it.

Khatib warned of the seriousness of the next stage in lightof the growing Israeli extremism and hostility against Palestinians and theArab countries’ pre-occupation with their internal affairs.

He called on the Palestinian people to get ready for the defense ofal-Aqsa and Palestinian holy sites.

Khatib said that Israeli settler groups called for massbreak-ins into the Mosque in response to UNESCO’s decision.

Member states of the UNESCO on Thursday voted on a draft resolution that denied any Jewish connection to the Aqsa Mosquecompound and the Western Wall (al-Buraq Wall) and their surrounding areas.

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