Sun 6-October-2024

Khudari: Israeli ban on W.B exports “dangerous” and “mass punishment”

Tuesday 11-February-2020

MP Jamal al-Khudari head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege has described the Israeli decision to ban the export of West Bank agricultural products via Jordan as “dangerous and persistence in blockading the Palestinian people.”

In press remarks on Monday Khudari accused the Israeli occupation regime of “taking practical steps on the ground to transfer the siege [on Gaza] to the West Bank” describing the decision as “an extension to the Gaza blockade” and “an unjustified collective punishment that violates that international law and signed agreements.”

He warned that such Israeli measure is “a dangerous development affecting the [Palestinian] citizen in general as well as the farmer and the national economy and expanding the loops of the siege from the Gaza Strip into the West Bank.”

He stressed the need for the Palestinian government and all concerned institutions to pool their efforts to exert pressure on the Israeli occupation to revoke its decision calling on the government to necessarily develop clear plans to support the farmers and their products and help them avoid incurring heavy losses.

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