Fri 5-July-2024

Kuwait restates its supportive position on Palestinian rights

Saturday 15-October-2022

Kuwait has reiterated its support at a UN meeting for ending the Israeli occupation of all the Palestinian territories.

Addressing the Fourth Committee of the UN General Assembly on Thursday evening Mohamed as-Sawagh diplomatic attaché of Kuwait’s permanent delegation to the UN renewed his country’s unwavering support for the Palestinian rights including the right to self-determination — which is stated in the first article of the General Assembly’s Resolution 1514 issued in December 1960.

Sawagh stressed the need to pressure Israel as an occupying power to withdraw from all the Arab territories occupied since 1967 and enable the Palestinian people to establish their independent state with east Jerusalem as its capital

He affirmed that granting the Palestinian people their rights is the only solution to reach a lasting comprehensive and just peace in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions the principle of “land for peace” the roadmap plan and the Arab Peace Initiative.

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