Mon 16-September-2024

Lebanese army halts construction of wall around Palestinian camp

Friday 25-November-2016

The Lebanese army suspended Friday the construction of the isolation wall around Ein al-Hilweh camp for Palestinian refugees following pressure from Palestinian and international parties.

The unified Palestinian leadership in Lebanon said in a statement that the Lebanese army updated its members on the decision to stop the construction works around Ein al-Hilweh camp.

The statement quoted the army as stating that it will take alternative steps in order to preserve security and boost stability in and around the camp.

The Palestinian leadership hailed the Lebanese army and intelligence for responding to the calls to stop the construction of the fence.

The leadership expressed its commitment to uphold the Palestinian-Lebanese fraternal bonds and congratulated the Lebanese people and government on the occasion of the Independence Day.

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal on Thursday evening phoned a number of Lebanese officials and urged them to urgently work on halting construction of the isolation wall.

The first blocks of the isolation wall were erected around the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon this week as a plan to build security cordons and watchtowers around Ein al-Hilweh came into effect.

Ein al-Hilweh camp covering an area of one square kilometer is home to over 80000 Palestinian refugees who were recently joined by thousands of displaced Palestinians fleeing warfare in beleaguered Syria.

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