Sun 22-September-2024

Lebanese army kills two more Palestinians in refugee camps tension soars

Tuesday 19-June-2012

BEIRUT (PIC)– The tension escalated in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon after the army killed two more Palestinians in violent confrontations with the residents on Monday evening.

A Lebanese security official claimed the clashes broke out yesterday in Nahr Al-Bared refugee camp north of Lebanon when an angry mob of Palestinian residents attacked a Lebanese military post after they finished the burial ceremony of a Palestinian young man who was killed in Friday events by Lebanese soldiers.

The official also claimed that one Palestinian was killed and seven others were wounded when Lebanese soldiers opened fire to disperse Palestinian refugees who attacked a military post in Nahr Al-Bared and burned a vehicle and military uniforms.

He said that this incident also led to violent clashes with the army in Ein Al-Hilweh refugee camp in southern Lebanon adding that the army killed a young man and injured eight others in this camp.

Meanwhile the Palestinian side of the story is still unavailable.

For its part the Hamas Movement strongly denounced the Lebanese army for deliberately using the armed force against the Palestinian refugees in Nahr Al-Bared camp on Monday.

In a press release Hamas stated that the Palestinian popular protests in Nahr Al-Bared refugee camp have been caused by the Lebanese official security policies against the Palestinians in the camp.

Hamas affirmed that the Lebanese army is imposing a tight security cordon on the residents of Palestinian refugee camps and deprive them of their basic human rights.

The Movement demanded the Lebanese army command to end its cordon on Nahr Al-Bared refugee camp and the other camps immediately stressing such step could calm the situation.

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