Thu 19-September-2024

MP Barghouthi lashes out at PA officials spreading pessimism

Wednesday 22-November-2006

Gaza – Palestinian MP DR. Mustafa Al-Barghouthi the head of the independent Palestine bloc in the PLC has unequivocally accused PA officials of advancing their personal interests over the national interests and of attempting to derail the ongoing Palestinian dialogue on the unity government.

The two “controversial” PA officials Nabil Amre information advisor of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Abed Rabbo the member of the PLO’s executive committee which Abbas chairs have come out on the air and gave “pessimistic” statements on the unity talks although they were untrue.

The Palestinian lawmaker vehemently denied the statements of those two PA officials affirming that the talks were smoothly going on and at the highest levels.

“I was really astonished at those statements as they were uttered while we were in a meeting with the PA chief and the PA premier deliberating on the unity government” Barghouthi asserted as he urged a halt to such adverse statements which “Palestinian people don’t need at the present stage”.

The legislator moreover unveiled that Palestinian contacts with international parties to ensure lifting of the unjust siege on the Palestinian people once the PA unity government is declared were intensively continuing pointing out that good signs of such guarantees were accumulating.

Furthermore the Palestinian lawmaker who was exerting tremendous efforts in bridging the gap between Fatah and Hamas with the aim to realize the formation of a unity government emphasized that the political program of the unity government will be “all factions’ program” highlighting the importance of reactivating the PLO simultaneously.

But he acknowledged that there were a number of hindrances that Palestinians should overcome including distributing portfolios of the unity government and names of each party’s candidates to hold those portfolios among other minor problems.

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