Sat 21-September-2024

MP Hammad says prisoners’ swap deal near urges Arabs to lift siege

Saturday 10-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Palestinian legislator Fathi Hammad of Hamas Movement has affirmed that the prisoners’ swap deal with the Israeli occupation government was very close.

Hammad’s remarks came in a massive rally organized by Hamas in northern Gaza Strip on Friday where he asserted that Palestinian constants and agonies of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have induced the Makkah agreement on national unity government.

“Our national constants unite us and place our compass in the right direction in confronting the Israeli government and its occupation forces and I believe that the champions of that agreement were our Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails and the Aqsa’s call for help which consolidated our ranks and expedited the agreement” the Hamas lawmaker affirmed.

In this context Hammad urged Palestinian factions to set aside their political differences and to fold for ever the dark page that had prevailed in the Palestinian arena over the past month.

“Give the glad tidings to our prisoners in Israeli jails that their freedom is fast approaching and that the victory of freeing them from Israeli jails will be followed up by other victories for Al-Aqsa Mosque” Hammad asserted.

Addressing the USA which he branded as “sponsor of terrorism across the globe” Hammad underlined that Hamas won’t get US money to kill its own people and that its weapon will remain targeting the IOF troops only.

Moreover Hammad urged Arab countries to implement the Arab League resolution of breaking the international economic siege on the Palestinian people and to start funding them.

“If the world boycotted us for expressing our democratic will and attempted to destroy us then I believe that it is about time for Arab countries to carry out the AL decision of breaking the blockade and allow Arab money to PA government” he underscored.
Hammad’s expectations on prisoners’ swap deal were backed by reports from the Hebrew media which quoting security sources unveiled a near swap deal with the Palestinians.

Palestinian resistance factions want Palestinian children and females in Israeli jails be freed in addition to 1000 other captives serving long imprisonment terms in return for captured IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit’s freedom.

The conditions according to local and foreign observes were just and rational yet Israel hasn’t accepted those conditions yet.

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