Fri 20-September-2024

MP Mousa urges Europeans to expiate sins against Palestinians lift siege

Wednesday 14-February-2007

GAZA (PIC)– PA lawmaker Dr. Yahya Mousa on Wednesday urged the Europeans to expiate the historical sins they have committed against the Palestinian people and lift the unjust siege imposed on them for almost a year now.

Mousa was commenting on remarks uttered by Nabil Amre the information advisor of the PA chief affirming that the Europeans have displayed profound understanding and readiness to support the Makkah accord.

“Hamas views the European stand as a step in the right direction and a correction of previous mistakes they have committed against the Palestinian people” Yahya asserted.

He explained that the two historical mistakes were the establishment of a Jewish state on occupied Palestinian lands in 1948 and the rejection of the Palestinian people’s democratic will and imposing economic sanctions against them in 2006.

The Hamas legislator also underlined that it is still early to announce the resignation of the current Hamas-led PA government noting that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas will meet with premier Ismail Haneyya in Gaza city Thursday to iron out all unresolved points in this regard.

Unmasking some of those unresolved points Mousa unveiled that Abbas hasn’t given his response yet to Hamas’ nominee for the PA interior ministry Hammoda Jarwan and that Fatah faction hasn’t yet nominated its candidate for the PA vice-premier post.

He ruled out the possibility that Fatah MP Mohammed Dahalan will occupy the post and opined that a Fatah leader from the West Bank will most likely be the choice of Fatah Movement for the post.

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