Sun 15-September-2024

MP Mousa wants international committee to probe Israel’s war crimes

Tuesday 6-March-2007

GAZA (PIC)– Senior Hamas political leader and PLC member Yahya Mousa has urged Arab states to hold the Israeli occupation government accountable over the war crimes it had committed and concealed over the past decades.

“Since the Zionists established their illegal state on 78% of usurped Palestinian lands they acted as criminal gangs above the law” said Mousa in a press statement he made to the PIC in reaction to the unveiled IOF massacre of 250 Egyptian POWs during the 1967 war.

He added that the “Zionist entity” was and still is protected by the colonial interests and the American administration that blindly stand behind it and urged for the formation of an international committee to probe Israel’s war crimes.

The Palestinian deputy furthermore cited the suffering of the Palestinian people under the Israeli occupation explaining “The Palestinian people live in permanent state of terror due to the IOF daily murders in cold blood”.

He also urged Egypt to file a legal suit against the IOF troops before international arbitration courts and called on the Egyptian government to sever diplomatic relations with the Hebrew state over the carnage.

On Monday Israeli infrastructure minister Binyamin Ben-Aliezer who was commanding the IOF battalion that killed the Egyptian POWs canceled a scheduled visit to Cairo on advice of Egypt’s chief intelligence Omar Suleiman on fears he might be arrested in Egypt over the charges.

Last Sunday the Israeli official TV aired a documentary film showing Israeli soldiers of Aliezer’s battalion massacring the 250 Egyptians.

The film spurred waves of extreme anger across Egypt and among Egyptian lawmakers who urged their government not to let the crime pass unpunished.

In 1948 armed Zionist gangs killed thousands of Palestinian citizens and drove tens of thousands others out of their homes at gunpoint before establishing their state on those lands.

Since the Aqsa intifada in the year 2000 more than 4500 Palestinian citizens including hundreds of children and women were killed and tens of thousands others were wounded with IOF bullets and bombs. More than 11000 Palestinians were rounded up at the hands of the IOF troops over the same period and retained in Israeli jails despite calls from human rights organizations to free them. 

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