Sat 5-October-2024

MP Zeidan sounds alarm over al-Ashkar’s fate in Israeli jail

Monday 12-December-2016

Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Abdul Rahman Zeidan on Sunday warned of the sharp health deterioration endured by professor Essam al-Ashkar in Israeli jail.

Zeidan held the Israeli occupation responsible for the turn for the worse al-Ashkar’s health has taken.

He added that prisoner al-Ashkar sentenced administratively without charge or trial was transferred to the under-equipped Ramla prison clinic.

Professor al-Ashkar has been diagnosed with disorders in his kidney arteries causing him life-threatening hypertension.

MP Zeidan urged An-Najah University among other national and international academic institutions to take urgent action and step up pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities so as to release professor al-Ashkar and allow him to undergo an urgent surgery overseas.

He further pushed for activating al-Ashkar’s cause across all international platforms urging the mass media to speak up for the detainee before it is too late.

In 2008 the Megiddo prison administration tried to force professor al-Ashkar to undergo a surgery in Israeli jail which he rejected. Ever since then the Israeli occupation authorities have denied him travel abroad.

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