Mon 16-September-2024

Masri asks Erikat to apologize to Palestinians

Wednesday 6-December-2006

Gaza- MP Mushir Al-Masri on Wednesday said that MP Sa’eb Uraikat’s memo with the PLC was a “desperate attempt” on his part “to deceive the public opinion and the Palestinian people”.

Masri in a press release said that the Palestinian people should ask for questioning Erikat who is commissioned by the PLO to conduct negotiations with Israel for twisting facts and for deviating away from the Palestinian unanimity on conditions of the truce with Israel.

The Hamas lawmaker said that Erikat had conveyed a non-complete image to the “Zionist enemy” namely that the truce was linked to halting the IOF troops’ aggression on the Gaza Strip only and not covering the West Bank “Which posed as a serious precedence in partitioning the country that we will not allow…”

Masri asked Erikat to apologize to the Palestinian people and factions over what he had done and for playing the role of a non-honest mediator in the issue of the truce with the Israeli occupation forces.

He underlined that he would table a memo with the PLC chairmanship asking for opening an investigation with Erikat on the matter.

Erikat had asked the PLC to open an investigation with Masri for voicing accusations against him.

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