Sat 14-September-2024

Massive participation in funerals of Sheikh Barghouthi and Abu Tabbana

Saturday 27-March-2021

Scores of Palestinian citizens in Ramallah and al-Khalil on Friday participated in the funeral processions of senior Hamas officials Omar al-Barghouthi and Adnan Abu Tabbana who died from coronavirus.

In a solemn procession thousands of Palestinians bid farewell to Sheikh Barghouthi on Friday afternoon in Kobar village northwest of Ramallah.

The mourners marched in Sheikh Barghouthi’s funeral procession from the Istishari Arab Hospital in Ramallah city to his home in Kobar village where his family gave him a final farewell and prepared him for burial before taking him to the Mosque in the village for the funeral prayer.

Meanwhile a similar massive funeral procession was held for Abu Tabbana in al-Khalil city.

Thousands of mourners moved from al-Khalil Hospital to Abu Tabbana’s home in the city before they marched carrying him to the Uthman ibn Affan Mosque for the funeral prayer.

Massive crowds of Hamas members carried green flags and chanted national slogans hailing Barghouthi and Abu Tabbana during their participation in the funerals.

Speakers also delivered speeches in Ramallah and al-Khalil applauding Barghouthi and Abu Tabbana for the great efforts they had made during their lives to serve their national cause and resist the Israeli occupation.

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