Thu 19-September-2024

Mishaal: Hamas respects Lebanon’s sovereignty

Saturday 18-December-2021

Head of Hamas’s foreign political bureau Khaled Mishaal has affirmed that his Movement respects Lebanon’s sovereignty and is keen on not turning the Burj esh-Shemali incident into a battlefield in Palestinian camps.

Mishaal made his remarks during his meeting on Friday with relatives of the young men who were killed recently by Fatah gunmen in Burj esh-Shemali refugee camp in Sidon City.

“The killers committed a heinous crime in the Burj esh-Shemali refugee camp and they will not escape punishment” the Hamas leader asserted.

“We are guests on the land of Lebanon until we return to our homeland” the Hamas leader said.

“The [Palestinian] martyrs are the ones who made the history and glory of this Ummah (nation) and we are justly proud that we always stand by the martyrs’ families” Mishaal added.

He stressed that the liberation of Palestine can only be achieved through sacrifice and martyrdom pointing out that the Palestinian people lost many of their leaders as martyrs in order to achieve this goal.

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