Thu 19-September-2024

Mishaal champions formation of unity government away from American influence

Saturday 9-December-2006

Damascus- Head of Hamas’ political bureau Khaled Mishaal has invited PA presidency Fatah Movement and the rest of Palestinian factions to form a PA coalition government based on Palestinian standards and away from American pressures.

“Come forward and let’s form a national unity government in accordance with Palestinian national interests and based on the national harmony document that all of us had signed in order to form a strong Palestinian front capable of breaking the unjust siege on our people” Mishaal underlined.

He highlighted the importance of dialogue among the Palestinian factions saying “We need dialogue in order to consolidate our ranks and to solve our disputes”.

Mishaal’s invitation came during a rally organized by the PFLP in the Syrian capital Damascus Friday in celebration of its 39th foundation anniversary which was also attended by a number of Arab parties’ chairmen diplomatic corps in Syria and head of Palestinian factions based in Damascus.

“Resistance is our honor our strategic option and the strong hand that we hit the Israeli enemy with to force it out of our beloved country” he stressed as he lashed out at those championing a halt to Palestinian resistance.

The Hamas supreme political leader furthermore underscored “America and Israel should bow to the Palestinian will and acknowledge legal rights of the Palestinian people to their own country if both governments indeed want bloodshed to end and peace and stability to prevail in the Middle East”.

“You (Israeli occupation government) should know that either you respond to our demands or we will be going to an open conflict and victory will be ours” Mishaal asserted.

In conclusion Mishaal saluted the Palestinian people in occupied Palestine families of Palestinian martyrs prisoners and Palestinian resistance fighters. He also paid tribute to Lebanese Iraqi and Afghan resistance and to the free people in this world who resist the American “despotism”.

Maher Al-Taher the member of the PFLP political bureau seconded Mishaal’s remarks and called for the immediate restructuring of the PLO based on new foundations in order to enhance the Palestinian front.

In a similar speech Taher also condemned the unjust economic blockade imposed on the Palestinian people after Hamas formed the PA government after it won the legislative elections last January.

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