Mon 16-September-2024

Mufti of Jerusalem calls for Palestinian unity

Saturday 2-December-2006

Occupied Jerusalem – The Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine Sheikh Muhammad Husain called on Palestinian factions in his Friday sermon at the Aqsa Mosque to unite their ranks and abandon discord.

He urged Palestinian people and leaders to “give precedence to the interests of the Palestinian people over the factional interests especially at a time when the Palestinian people are suffering as a result of the siege the apartheid wall massacres and land confiscation.”

“Your unity will foil your enemy’s schemes of eating up your land and your holy places.” he added.

The Mufti also talked about the Israeli occupation authorities banning of the Islamic Awkaf Department from renovating the southern part of the Aqsa Mosque’s wall and held the occupation authorities responsible for the consequences.

He also stressed that the Awkaf Department was the only party authorized to carry out any renovation works to the buildings of the Aqsa Mosque.

He also called on Arab and Islamic nations institutions and governments to shoulder their responsibilities towards the Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian people.

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