Sun 6-October-2024

NGOs: Archeological theft reveals Israel’s hands are not clean

Wednesday 23-November-2016

Non-governmental organizations leveled heavy criticism at Israel after the Jerusalem District Court on Monday refused to reveal the names of archeologists performing digs at antiquities sites in the occupied West Bank.

According to the Israeli daily Haaretz the Israeli District Court said archeologists’ names should be kept secret likewise the location of where dug-up artifacts are stored.

The move was attributed to Israel’s fear of academic boycotts and the difficulties it would pose for ongoing Israeli archeological projects in the occupied territories.

The decision was issued in response to a petition filed by human rights organization Yesh Din and archeology NGO Emek Shaveh against the Israeli military government in the West Bank (the Civil Administration) and the staff officer of its Archeology Department who are responsible for issuing licenses for archeological excavations in the occupied territory.

The petitioners sought information that the military refused to provide as part of a freedom of information request mainly the names of the archeologists and where Israeli authorities store antiquities they uncover in the West Bank.

The main thrust of District Court Judge Yigal Marzel’s decision dealt with releasing the names of the archeologists. Judge Marzel recognized the importance of publishing their names as is customary inside Israel partly for reasons of transparency but also because the findings of the excavations are often published academically which requires publishing one’s name.

However the occupation government managed to convince Judge Marzel that the archeologists who testified in an ex parte hearing (without the presence of the petitioners) that publishing their names would pose a real threat of academic boycott due to their work in the occupied territories under a license issued by the military regime.

The Israeli occupation authorities claimed there is also a risk that the archeologists would be unable to publish in international academic journals and that foreign academics would refuse to work with them in future research or refuse to invite them to conferences thereby harming their professional careers.

Therefore the court ruled the personal risk to the archeologists and to the future of their research is enough to justify not publishing their names. Some of the archeologists did agree to their names being given to the petitioners and they were.

The court also rejected the petitioners’ request for information about where Israel stores the uncovered antiquities. The occupation stakeholders argued again behind closed doors and without the presence of the petitioners that the publication of that information would risk the theft of the antiquities.

In response to the decision Yesh Din said in a statement: “The Israeli authorities’ fear of the boycott against archeologists in the West Bank and of harm to international relations […] is an admission that Israel knows its hands are not clean and must therefore conceal its archeological activities in the West Bank. It is unfortunate that the court chose to lend its hand to a policy of concealment and darkness which denies the public its right to know and the ability to oversee and criticize.”

Emek Shaveh also responded: “More than anything the court’s decision shows that archeology in the West Bank is treated as a military activity and not as academic research. The foundation of research is revealing the researcher’s name and publishing their findings. If it is permissible to conceal the names of archeologists in the West Bank and the public has no way of knowing where the archeological findings are located the conclusion is that archeology in the West Bank is fundamentally political.”

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