Fri 20-September-2024

New Israeli plan to seize 120 dunums of Palestinian land north of J’lem

Wednesday 13-February-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Islamic Christian commission for patronizing Jerusalem and holy sites revealed an Israeli plan to annex 120 dunums of land in Shuafat and Beit Hanina town north of occupied Jerusalem in order to build roads connecting settlements.

In a press release on Wednesday the commission said that Israel’s settlement expansion and its appropriation of Palestinian lands violate its obligations under the roadmap plan and the Annapolis agreement.

It added that Israel’s transfer of its settlers to live in the Palestinian territories under its occupation is also a violation of the fourth Geneva convention and the relevant provisions of the international customary law.
“The unilateral actions that are practiced by Israel have caused fundamental changes in the geography of Jerusalem city and its demographical nature in violation of the UN resolutions 181 194 and 303 and the subsequent decisions which prohibits making changes to the population and the occupied land including Jerusalem and illegalizes all settlements and its expansion” the commission underlined.

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