Sat 29-June-2024

Noted US college supports BDS calls for boycotting Israel

Saturday 11-December-2021

The City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law’s Student Government Association passed a resolution on December 2 endorsing the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Zionist campus groups like Hillel.

“Israeli academic institutions are complicit in the occupation and colonization of Palestine and the state’s violence against Palestinians by developing military hardware weapons drones and surveillance technologies; offering military training courses and posts for high-ranking military officers; declaring via their leaders and other surrogates their support for Israeli military offensives; discriminating against Palestinian students; and repressing voices in support of Palestinians and their struggle for self-determination” its resolution states.

It also accuses the administration of CUNY Law of being “directly complicit in the ongoing apartheid genocide and war crimes perpetrated by the state of Israel against the Palestinian people through its investments in and contracts with companies profiting off of Israeli war crimes.”

“A number of student organizations across CUNY receive money from the state of Israel or from organizations lobbying on behalf of the state of Israel and whose mission includes support for the state of Israel and whose practices include surveillance intimidation [and] harassment of Palestine solidarity activists on campuses. These organizations include Hillel CAMERA StandWithUs Bulldogs for Israel Israel Independence Day Committee United 4 Israel Israel Student Association [and] Students Supporting Israel at City College of New York” the resolution states further.

The resolution ended with a call for the university to divest from companies that conduct business with Israel cease all Israeli exchange programs cut all ties with organizations that repress Palestinian students and groups and end its complicity in the ongoing censorship harassment and intimidation of Palestine solidarity activists including through ending contracts and academic collaborations and refusing to be complicit in the targeted harassment and silencing of Palestine solidarity activists.

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