Mon 8-July-2024

Ofer inmates to start hunger strike in response to reinstated measures

Sunday 19-September-2021

The Israeli administration of Ofer jail has reneged on the agreement reached recently with the prisoners and decided to reimpose part of the punitive restrictions it had slapped a few days ago on the prisoners following the Gilboa escape operation.

Consequently the prisoners decided to respond to the measures and initiate an open-ended hunger strike on Tuesday.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) Ofer jailers received names of 100 prisoners who will participate in the mass hunger strike tomorrow.

The prisoners are from all major factions and will stage their hunger strike gradually to pressure the Ofer administration to backtrack on its measures.

The measures that were reinstated partially by the prison administration according to PPS are transfers searches closure of all the prison sections reduction of idle time the prisoners spend outside cells shutdown of some inter-prison facilities such as the laundry room and commissary.

About 900 prisoners are held in Ofer jail including children.

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