Sat 6-July-2024

Omani and Kuwaiti institutions boycott Bahraini airshow

Saturday 5-November-2022

Due to the participation of Israeli companies Oman’s “SalamAir” airline has announced its withdrawal from the Bahrain International Airshow to be held soon while the Kuwait Finance House (bank) removed its logo from the list of sponsors of the event.

Israeli companies will be participating for the first time in the international show which is held every two years.

In a statement last May Omani foreign minister Badr Albusaidi stated that his country would not establish relations or conclude any normalization deal with Israel and called for a just settlement of the Palestinian cause.

“Omanis Against Normalization” said on its Twitter page that the name of Oman had been removed from the Bahraini airshow’s website following the Omani company’s withdrawal.

Different anti-normalization groups in Gulf countries have also denounced the participation of Israeli military and security companies in the Bahrain International Airshow which is slated for November 9.

The Gulf Coalition Against Normalization reported the participation of four Israeli companies in the event affirming that these firms had contributed to the destruction of Palestinian homes and the killing of civilians in Gaza because of the warplanes and weapons it had manufactured for the Israeli army.

The coalition hailed the Kuwait Finance House for its quick response by removing its logo from the list of the airshow’s sponsors.

The Bahraini National Initiative Against Normalization also applauded the parties that boycotted the event urging the other participants to follow suit.

Bahrain the United Arab Emirates Morocco and Sudan have normalized their relations officially with the Israeli occupation state in recent years.

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